About our School Policy.
Know more about how we function and our school rules and regulations
Music Education
Child Safety: To ensure your child’s safety, please be sure to drop off and pick him/her up promptly after lesson/class time. Children are under supervision during their instruction time only. Neither instructors nor administrators are responsible for supervising children outside teaching time.
Admission process.
Please meet our Admin Incharge or School coordinator understand our school Curriculum and course fee.
For Online Classes -
All lessons are conducted both virtually through Zoom
There will be INTRODUCTORY SESSION to understand students interest.
For Offline Admission Process:- OFFLINE Classes are at the Centre.
Please come and meet Department Head to understand the syllabus as scheduled by coordinator or teacher.
Audition Test / Screening: We have a mechanism to understand students’ interest and mapping their subject accordingly.
Schedule/Batch Timing will be decided after you meet the Teacher.
Our faculty member will explain the Syllabus / Course Curriculum and your regular batch timing.
Registration Fee for Music Programs: Rs.1500/ Year (Non-refundable)
In case a Teacher leaves or terminated by the institute, student will be assigned to another teacher immediately.
Attendance: Must attend minimum 4 classes in a month (30 days).
Attendance: We will manually maintain or use an APP to keep track of student attendance.
We only use the APP to schedule classes.
Classes missed by students due to teacher's non-availability would be compensated.
Teacher sets aside significant time and plans it for your students. which is set aside for either their performance, practise sessions, or music creation. If a student is irregular, teachers too lack motivation.
Fee Payment - (Fee is on a monthly basis, 4 sessions, as discussed during admission.)
As you are aware that Grapp APP fee/ credit logics are set as per our organisation’s fee policy.
Monthly Fee: Based on Monthly Subscription based. (Counts from Date of joining) - Which is very simple and straight forward.
Monthly Fee:
Fee cycle, - Please note that payments are processed on a monthly fee cycle. The monthly fee cycle is from date of joining to the next.
Fee are collected as per grade, since only qualified teachers are available to take intermediate and advance level student.
Fees non-refundable: - In case of discontinuation or irregular classes or in any case fee will not be refunded.
Missed Classes:
MISSED CLASS - Make up classes are there If you go on a short vacation or miss classes due to a family event, programme, or holiday.
Just in case you are unable to make it to all 4 classes, half month fee is applicable.
Please list any missed classes for the month and plan with your teacher to make up with extra session / hour. There can be just one makeup class scheduled. Fee cycle, however, won't change.
We discourage accepting requests to adjust fee/credit balances. even though a make-up class is planned.
Less than 4 classes will not qualify as a break. Moreover, the charge cycle won't alter.
Long Break (More than 2 or 3 months): To keep the registration active, students must pay one month's half-fee. Fewer than 4 classes are not going to count as a break. The fee cycle won't change either.
Compensatory Class:
If a student is unable to attend one or two classes during the month, the teacher will work with them to make up the missed classes the following month. We need to finish four classes in a month.
Believe that once you start skipping class, it won't end. Your musical journey comes to an end there. Your participation in class is crucial to your ability to learn music and maintain interest.
For existing students who drop out for a term, whatsoever be the reason, will be permitted to re-join as a fresh student and their original seat will not be held in reserve for them. Students who re-join will have to pay the fees again as their previous fees will not be carried forward.
School Communication
Your teacher will be you first Point of Contact for any updates / curriculum / leaves / holiday / missed class / exam / performances.
For any changes/request related to timing & batches, cancellation, extra classes, performance or exam related request /issues should be discussed with respective TEACHER.
For Complaint or Feedback: Please write email to urbanraga@gmail.com
Other activities like Workshops/Lectures/Demonstrations/Performances/ Examinations arranged occasionally for the benefit of students will be treated as "classes". Attendance at such "activities" is mandatory and will be counted in lieu of the regular scheduled classes.
Activity Fee: (optional - on participation)
In-house Recital: For inhouse recital we don’t charge anything, since there is no cost involved.
If a student wants to take part in an activity or performance that is held off the premises of the school, there will be an activity fee or performance fee. since organising an event will be expensive. The school does not raise any additional funds or obtain sponsors for these events. When there is an event and students are participating in it, a separate fee will be collected.
Urban Raga helps students in terms of filing application and preparing for these exam and submitting collected fees along with Group Application form to the respective exam boards (LCM & ABRSM).
Music examinations are set in both THEORY and PRACTICAL aspects. The practical exams concentrate on the particular instrument favoured by the pupil, for example piano, guitar, violin and Theory is common for all subject.
It is important to understand all the rules & regulation are set by LCM/ ABRSM/ Trinity Board.
Registration : To register or to appear for these international Music exam, Students need to fill up exam application form and submit along with Exam fees by due date set by exam board.
Money will NOT be refunded in case you are unable to attend the exams for any reason or under any circumstances.
Before applying for students need to consult with their teacher and must have covered or complete at least 80% of exam syllabus.
Students need to carry their own instrument exam except Piano. Only original music book is permitted. No photocopies please. Do carry a valid photo identity with you to the exam.
Urban Raga management reserves the right to change the batch of a student according to their advancement level or during the time of examinations.
A minimum of 80% attendance required.
Students who are preparing exams at the grade 3 level and higher should have exposure to a piano, touch keyboard, or keyboard with pedal for regular practise.
Urban Raga has the right to prevent a student from taking the exam if they are unprepared for it for any reason—poor attendance, insufficient exam preparation, etc. Even after a student has paid the exam fee and sent in the form, this can still be decided. There won't be a return of the exam fees in this situation.
Additional important details
The management reserves the right to terminate the lessons of students at any time, if work, application or discipline is found to be unsatisfactory.
During music classes, cell phones should be kept on silent mode. Phone calls should be taken outside the classroom.
Urban Raga is not liable to provide for parking or security of student's vehicle.
Though Urban Raga will take due care of its students while learning here; it will not be responsible for any accidents outside classroom.
No XEROX COPIES allowed in class. Students have to buy lesson books/exam books.
Sexual Harassment. “Urban Raga is pledged to preserving a working environment free from sexual harassment. “Sexual harassment consists of unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favours or unwanted sexual attention by anyone associated with the organisation, whether male or female.
In all matters, the decision of the Management Committee shall be final and irrevocable.
Thank You for Choosing "URBAN RAGA"